
  • Btn_print
Guidelines for submitting an abstract

Topics, language

  • Abstracts can be submitted and presented in German or English.
  • Each contribution must be assigned to one of the specified topics.

Scope, content

  • The abstract is limited to 3,000 characters (approx. 400 words).
  • The title should be short and descriptive.
  • The structure of the question, methodology, results and conclusions must be strictly adhered to.

Restrictions, formatting

  • An abstract may not be submitted multiple times under different topics of the congress.
  • The list of authors is limited to a total of 8 people. Speakers must always be named first.
  • The abstract must be formulated in such a way that it can be published (new spelling).
  • The use of special text formatting should be sparing. There is no guarantee that all formatting can be displayed correctly in all media.

Publication, presentation

  • Accepted lecture abstracts will be published in the journal “Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology (SOT)”.
  • All persons listed must agree to the content and publication of the abstract and to their names being mentioned in all conference media.

Evaluation and participation

  • All registrations are assessed anonymously by several reviewers.
  • The objective and question (original, important, clearly defined), material and methodology (adequate study design, prospective/retrospective study), results (complete, trend-setting, statistically verified) and conclusion (critical, well derived, current literature) are assessed.
  • After the evaluation is complete, the first named will receive an email informing them whether the contribution has been accepted or rejected and will inform all co-authors of this.
  • If accepted as a lecture or poster, the first named will receive discounted conference access.
  • All other persons on the list of authors must register regularly if necessary.